Podcast #567

#567 – Affirming or Non-Affirming – Is it a Primary Issue?

Preston Sprinkle

Affirming or Non-AffirmingTheology in the Raw

One listener is wanting to have a coming together with his Christian and gay friends in order to listen to their story and ask how they have been mistreated by the church and even offer forgiveness and prayer. Is this even a good idea? Preston talks about some things you might want to consider as you take up a meeting like this.

What’s the greater sin, Abortion or Racism? A listener has the concern that Racism hasn’t been given a real platform in Christian circles. Why isn’t Racism on the same level of social injustice as Abortion?

Preston has said at many times that he is Non-Affirming (he believes in a traditional view on marriage and sexual ethics). How do we have communion with Affirming Christians when it appears they may be leading a generation into sin? Preston is wrestling with this question today. What should are relationship look like with Affirming Christians? Is this issue of Affirming or Non-Affirming a primary issue of the Christian faith? Can we agree to disagree?

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