Theology in the Raw is a space for Christian exiles to think Christianly about all areas of life.
Theology in the Raw is a space for Christian exiles to think Christianly about all areas of life.
Theology in the Raw started as a 15 min radio show in Boise, Idaho. It grew into a random podcast, and then into a popular podcast. We added a Patreon account, a conference, merch, and personnel. So I guess that makes us official.
We’re now a collective of churched and dechurched Christian contrarians who resist the echo chamber, love Jesus, are addicted to grace, and seek to live authentically and counterculturally as exiles in Babylon.
Dr. Preston Sprinkle is a biblical scholar, speaker, podcaster, a New York Times bestselling author, and is the co-founder and president of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender. He earned a Ph.D. in New Testament from Aberdeen University in Scotland (2007), and has taught theology at Cedarville University (OH), Nottingham University (U.K.), and Eternity Bible College (CA). But when he grows up, Preston’s dream is to move to a tropical island and become a professional surfer. Unfortunately, his surfing skills are sketchy at best.
Preston loves talking and writing about hot-button cultural and theological issues with thoughtfulness, honesty and grace. He is passionate about approaching topics that everyone wants to know about, but few are willing to talk honestly and graciously about. Topics like sexuality, gender, race, violence, patriotism, hell, politics, war, and what it means to follow a Jewish prophet-king who was executed for treason. He works hard to challenge himself and others to read the Bible with conviction and humility, while holding their predetermined beliefs loosely.
Find out more about Preston on his website: prestonsprinkle.com
We value Jesus, the authority of Scripture, theological humility, intellectual integrity, genuine curiosity, ecumenical engagement, authenticity, courage to speak our minds, courage to say “I was wrong” and “I’m sorry” when we spoke our minds too quickly, listening, loving, asking honest questions, good food and drink, speaking the truth in love, and loving and learning from people different from us.
Theology in the Raw releases two public podcasts a week and
two private Q & A podcasts for the Theology in the Raw Patreon community.