There’s an awesome book you should check out! It’s called Can I Say That? How Unsafe Questions Lead Us to the Real God, by Brenna Blain. I had the privilege of writing the foreword to her book, and I hope that many people will see Jesus in fresh light after reading it.
Brenna was a speaker at the last Exiles conference and has become a friend over the last couple of years. She has a raw story, which she retells with searing honesty in her book. Abused at a young age and realizing the church offered little comfort, Brenna found her life to be incompatible with the Christianity she knew. That was until she came to recognize that Jesus is exactly who He says He is.
In Can I Say That? Brenna addresses questions that often serve as an off-ramp from faith. She shows those who feel on the fringes of Christianity that God is not afraid of our doubts, and she advocates for the Body of Christ to more closely reflect His heart.
Many Christians deconstruct from the faith when they feel like they can’t ask honest questions, or when they’re fed canned answers that don’t satisfy. Brenna Blain knows the fear that looming questions impose on the foundation of faith.
For everyone who’s wrestled with the church’s abuses but still earnestly hopes to find truth within its walls—who wants to untangle unbiblical threads of our faith without tearing apart the whole fabric; who wants to reconstruct a healthier, more vibrant church—you will absolutely love and be challenged by Can I Say That?.
Preston reads/listens to everything recommended on Top Picks. Communications from Theology in the Raw and Preston Sprinkle can contain paid partnership.