Podcast #1042
Neither Complementarian Nor Egalitarian: Dr. Michelle Lee-Barnewell
Preston Sprinkle
Neither Complementarian Nor Egalitarian: Dr. Michelle Lee-Barnewell Theology in the Raw
Michelle has a BA from Harvard, 3 master’s degrees, and a Ph.D. from Notre Dame university. In other words, she’s smarter than you and I combined. Anyway, she’s also a lovely person who’s written a killer book called Neither Complementarian Nor Egalitarian, which addresses the pros and cons of where the current debates about men and women in the church lie. This book forms the topic of our conversation. We talk about Ephesians 5 and the meaning of Kephale (“head”), the meaning of leadership in the NT, and 1 Tim 2, among other things.
Find out more about Michelle here: https://www.biola.edu/directory/people/michelle-leebarnewall
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