Church and Israel, Same-sex weddings, Halloween, Authority of Scripture, Justified lies, and other questions
Preston Sprinkle
In the full episode, we discuss:
00:00 Introduction
00:35 What is the relationship between the church and Israel? Has the church replaced Israel? Should Christians be more concerned about Israel than any other country?
11:55 Where are your personal boundaries around attending/participating in a same-sex wedding? A close gay friend just got engaged, so am having to think about this. 17:49 What are your thoughts on a “justified lie”? Something like Rahab or similar situations of protecting life through lying?
21:36 Halloween, Harry Potter, etc… should we? Tolkien and Lewis are full of magic and even occultist things, but people LOVE them.
27:13 I am curious why over 80% of the LGBTQ community were raised in the church. I’m interested in your perspective.
29:26 How can we have confidence that the story of Noah is the true depiction of the flood when so many religions also have their own versions of a major flood?
34:51 Do you believe any part of the Bible is NOT God breathed? I.e. authoritative. 42:15 Is there any scriptural evidence to believe people who lack the cognitive ability (I.e. people with disabilities) to understand the Gospel will be saved?
44:38 In Mark 1, Jesus confronts many demons and those demon possessed. How did this manifest socially in the first century? Is there a modern day comparison to this?
47:56 Have there been any interviews you haven’t aired or regretted airing?
50:33 As Christians, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, can we be influenced (or even possessed) by demonic beings?
53:04 Which books/arguments/places in Scripture did you find most winsome for and against just war theory and killing in self-defense?
59:09 Does God ever actively discipline Christians? If so, when and how does it happen? What does the Bible tell us about God’s discipline of Christians?
1:04:57 What do we do with prophecies in OT & NT that are unfulfilled regarding Israel? If prophecy relating to Jesus were literal shouldn’t we treat these similarly? 1:10:09 Thoughts on importance of spiritual discipline such as fasting or solitude to support and advance discipleship?
1:15:10 Rapid Fire Questions…
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