The third annual Ecclesia and Ethics conference will be taking place over the next two weekends (March 14th and 21st) and this year’s theme is going to be a good one—“Human Sexuality and the Church.” Any conference with the words “sex” and “church” in its title is bound to gain some attendees. And here’s the best thing about this conference: you don’t need to leave your living room or your PJ’s to attend. That’s right. The entire conference can be attended in real time through a high-tech Webinar. All you need is a good internet connection. You don’t need to purchase any software to attend and the registration fee is only $10 (or £7), which will be donated to a charity. Check out the website for details.
The conference has a great line up of speakers. Here are a few that caught my interest:
Jenell Paris “Courageous Leadership in Christian Sex/Gender Conflicts”
Tremper Longman “God Loves Sex: Hope and Warnings from the Song of Songs”
Mark Yarhouse “Sexual Identity, Gender Identity & Psychology: Toward an Integrated Framework for Counseling & Pastoral Care”
Elaine Storkey “Scars Across Humanity: The Ubiquity of Gender-Based Violence”
Andrew Marin “Constructing a Social Ethic of Inclusion for the 21st Century Church”
Nate Collins “Enculturated Categorization and Secondary Gender Identities: A Social Identity Theory Approach”
Wesley Hill “Washed and Still Waiting: Homosexuality in Evangelical Perspective”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Tremper’s paper will be well-attended. And, I should add, I’ll be presenting a paper titled: “Same-sex Relations in Romans 1? A Critical Evaluation of the Excessive Lust Interpretation.”
Join us over the next couple weekends for this all-too important topic!